Learn to Cook (Belajar Memasak)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Living Abroad

Living Abroad

Living Abroad typical fixed tercicipi Cultural Festival, with the purchase of products Cengkaleng / kolang cans (Kaong) 1 bottle of 340 g size containers can also be delicious syrup

Sweet fruit and sugar falm benanaz was formed from the beverage syrup Cengkaleng / kolang cans (Kaong) and mixed with bananas.

  1. Cengkaleng / kolang cans (Kaong) 1 bottle of 340 g size
  2. 2 seeds Banana (benanaz)
  3. 1 / 4 kg Sugar White
  4. 2 Glasses of Water White

How to Cook:
  1. for Cengkaleng / kolang cans (Kaong) up to you, like in small slices or normal, let sightings withdrawal
  2. Iis
  3. bananas with a little sideways, let me look beautiful,
  4. Preheat the water with mature / ripe.
  5. Then input the white sugar to blend with the water,
  6. Put
  7. Cengkaleng / kolang cans (Kaong) and mixed with bananas,
  8. Allow 10 to 15 minutes,
  9. Prepare the Frying Pan (storage) and switch if it is considered mature,

Easy is not it .... even with the solitude can be done, what else for the family .....